mission statement


The mission of the North Carolina Permitting Personnel Association is  to educate, unify and disseminate valuable information to permitting personnel and their constituents throughout North Carolina by nurturing networking relationships with stakeholders at the local, state, and national level.

About Us

The  North Carolina Permitting Personnel Association  is a

non-profit corporation organized exclusively as a business league. 


The purposes of organization are:

1. Learn about problems and experiences which others face in the permitting     

    office and how they handle them.

2. Network with regional contacts to improve skills and learn new information.

3. Increase knowledge and understanding.

4. Stay informed about legislation that affects permits and licensing laws

5. Work with other organizations.

6. Promotion of uniformity of the permitting process.

7. Collection and dissemination of information relative to permitting.

8. Promotion of cooperation among permitting personnel, inspectors, and

    inspection departments on a city and county level.

9. Promote and improve the standard of the profession of permitting personnel.